Ann has been invited to contribute to the opening ceremonies honoring the Benghazi Four who perished on Sept. 11, 2012 at this event.

She shares, "All events which remember those who serve in harm's way are very important to me, but in this case, the mystery surrounding this horrific day deserves our attention and should not be forgotten until it can be solved. I am deeply grateful to those who are keeping this issue alive."

ABOUT DINESH D'SOUZA: Ann continues, "I encourage you to come and hear this great Patriot speak; I have seen all of his movies several times such as "Hillary's America" and the latest, "Death of a Nation" which may still be in theaters near you. He is a superlative historian and a great defender of our Constitution. I wish that his movies were required viewing for all of our schools and colleges in the USA."

Others peakers include a wide variety of leaders, elected officials, authors, performers and other dignitaries.